“We use the FS-ICU 24 to demonstrate our current performance and value the bench-marked reports we receive to help us identify both our strengths and our opportunities for improvement.”

Measuring Satisfaction

Patient and family centred outcomes recognized as important outcome measures as traditional measures (adjusted mortality rates, LOS) do not tell the whole story. Given the nature of care in a complex, multidisciplinary, technologically driven environment, there are many aspects of care that potentially may have negative consequences for both the patient and the family. These aspects of care need to be measured using systematic and validated tools.

The public demands more accountability for the use of public funds and assurance that the health care system is performing effectively. By measuring families’ perceptions of quality of care, one can evaluate the quality and identify and strengths and opportunities for improvement in the ICU program.

There is a relationship between the families experience and perceptions of quality and their subsequent long-term psychological well-being. By identifying families with negative perceptions and with appropriate interventions, we can improve the long-term health outcomes of families of critically ill patients.

To be held as a standard by which ICUs are judged and as a target for quality improvement, measurements of family satisfaction need to be valid and reliable. The FS-ICU questionnaire meets these standards of excellence. Consider the followings quotes below: